Giving Circles
MercyOne Des Moines Foundation’s Giving Circles provide ways for our most generous donors to be recognized. Learn more about each of our Circles.
Gilead Circle
Our Gilead Circle inductees are visionary philanthropists who have shown an unwavering commitment to our mission through their lifetime gifts of $500,000 and above to MercyOne Des Moines Foundation. The book of Jeremiah describes the imagery of the balm of Gilead as the famous aromatic resin which was deeply valued for its therapeutic properties. These honorees represent the MercyOne tenets of care and healing, thereby honoring the Mission of our founding Sisters of Mercy.
Our Gilead Circle inductees are recognized at two levels:
$1,000,000+ Distinguished Founders’ Level
Comfort Family Foundation
Patty and Jim Cownie
Richard L. Deming, MD*
The Graham Group
Walter and Frances Lalor†
Charlene and Donald Lamberti
MercyOne Des Moines Auxiliary
George F. Murphy Trust
Norkaitis Family Charities
Principal and Principal Charity Classic
Mary and Fern Ringgenberg†
The John Ruan Family
United Way of Central Iowa
Variety - The Children’s Charity of Iowa
$500,000-$999,999 Presidents’ Level
Dr. James and Barbara† Caterine
Steven and Melissa Chapman*
Patty R. DeMarco†
Barbara and John Graham†
John R. and Zelda Grubb†
Dr. Frederick and Ann Katzmann†
Kyle J. and Sharon Krause
Joyce and Terry Lillis
Prairie Meadows
MercyOne Iowa Heart Center
Mission Cancer + Blood*
R.W. and Mary Nelson
Edward and Eleanor Ochylski†
Ottumwa Regional Legacy Foundation
Dean Prichett Estate†
Dorothy L. Schuster†
Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield and Wellmark Foundation
Viola Yarn Estate
* = New To Category
† = Deceased
Leadership Circle
Our Leadership Circle members include our generous philanthropists who have greatly impacted our mission through their cumulative giving of $100,000 or more to MercyOne Des Moines Foundation, which has made a remarkable impact at MercyOne Des Moines.
Our Leadership Circle honorees are recognized at two levels:
$250,000-$499,999 Benefactors’ Level
Agilent Technologies
Dr. Dale and Marie Andres
Ascendium Education Group
Beatrice Bender Estate
Bishop Drumm Guild
Children’s Lifeline
Patricia J. Coates
Community Choice Credit
Coppola Enterprises
Denny and Candy Elwell
The Leona M.and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust
Dan and Joanie Houston
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Bernard D. Kurtz, Sr.†
Lamar Advertising Company
Nix and Virginia Lauridsen
Nationwide & Nationwide
Margaret Phelan Hurley†
Rottlund Homes of Iowa
Schildberg Foundation
Mary Sheldahl
Sisters of Mercy - Omaha, NE
Ruth H. Tuttle Estate
David and Nancy Vellinga
The Waldinger Corporation
G. Frances Weieneth†
John and Eloise Wright†
Marcia and William Young, MD
Kathleen and Larry Zimpleman
$100,000-$249,999 Builders’ Level
Abbott Laboratories
Robert Aliber Charitable Trust
American Cancer Society
Dr. Matt and Terri Andres
Donald Andrus Estate
Dan and Harriet Aten
Raymond and Mary Baker Foundation
Ball Team
Bankers Trust
Richard A. Bedont
Clare F. Beh Estate
Pearl Marie Bloomquist Estate
Ilene Borchert
Bras for the Cause
Don and Peg Broadbent
Dr. Thomas M. and Susan E. Brown
James and Kelly Bucher
Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust
Helen Carzoli Estate
Cascade Refining, Inc.
Chris Norton Foundation
Chrysalis Foundation
Reverend John W. Clarke†
Mary Ann Coakley Estate
College Hill Associates
Dr. Phil and Connie Colletier
Community Foundation of
Greater Des Moines
Robert J. and Martha W.
W.T. and Edna M. Dahl Trust
Dr. Barbara Q. Decker and Larry Willis
Dentons Davis Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Depuydt†
Des Moines Affiliate of Susan
G. Komen for the Cure
Dotdash Meredith
Des Moines
Sara Drobnich
Ersel Eickemeyer Trust
Agnes S. Feile†
Google Inc.
Msgr. John J. Gorman†
Gordon L. Grado
Dr. Stanley and Glenda Haag
Charlotte and Fred Hubbell
Iowa Industrial Products, Inc.
Iowa Ortho
Brian and Tricia Johnson
Gayle and Robert V. Johnson
William B. Johnson†
The Joyce Foundation
William C. Knapp Charitable Foundation
Dr. Richard and Margaret
Winifred M. Linnane†
Maude March Estate
Tom and Susan Mass
Sister Maxine McCabe†
Kathy Baker-McCloud and Michael McCloud
Pat McDermott
Dan and Raymetta McIlhon†
Medical Center
Merck & Co.
Mercy Action, Inc.
Mid-America Foundation
Mid-Iowa Health Foundation
George and Deb Milligan
Thomas and Katrina
Chris and Linda Nelson
Lou Norris†
Pediatric Cardiology
Pigott Inc.
Polk County Housing Trust
Robert† and Deb Pulver
Dennis and Connie Purdum
Suku and Dr. Mary Radia
RB Developers
Thomas A. Reitinger
Bob and Mary Ritz
Ronald McDonald House
Charities of Central Iowa
Edward† and Florence Roth
Cecelia Sehl†
Dr. William J.† and Linda
Lilyan Stoddard†
Stoney Creek Hospitality
Patricia Clare Sullivan†
Telligen Community Initiative
Donna Pauli Tromblee†
Michael and Ruby Triplett
Rene VanSteenberg Estate
Joe Vetersneck Estate
Sabina Volz†
Dr. Theresa Wahlig and Mark
Gladys M. Wilkins Estate
John and Robyn Wilkinson
* = New To Category
† = Deceased
Catherine McCauley Giving Circle
Health care philanthropy is more important than ever, and MercyOne Des Moines Foundation understands that your gift matters.
That’s why we launched the Catherine McAuley Giving Circle. Honoring the legacy of Sisters of Mercy foundress The Venerable Mother Catherine McAuley and her mission to serve the most vulnerable, members in this Giving Circle help ensure access to exceptional health care for all in Greater Des Moines through MercyOne Des Moines.
Monthly or quarterly giving is an easy way to give and enjoy the membership benefits of the Catherine McAuley Giving Circle. Join and make your impact today!
Giving Level | Monthly | Annually |
Compassionate Friend | $21-$42 | $250-$499 |
Unfailing Support | $43-$83 | $500-$999 |
Foundational Leader | $84-$208 | $1,000-$2,499 |
Benevolent Sustainer | $209-$416 | $2,500-$4,999 |
Peaceful Healer | $417-$625 | $5,000-$7,499 |
Gracious Benefactor | $626-$833 | $7,500-$9,999 |
Faithful Pillar | $834-$8,333 | $10,000-$99,999 |