Medical Records - MercyOne Dubuque

Patient Portal (Online Records)

To ensure your medical records are kept private and secure in accordance with federal and state regulations, MercyOne has a team of trained professionals in our health information management (HIM) department. It's their job to safeguard and manage your patient information.

Answers to some most frequently asked questions are listed below. If you have additional questions, please contact health information management in Dubuque at 563-589-9625 or Dyersville at 563-875-2948 during normal business hours:

  • Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
  • Closed weekends and holidays

How can I obtain a copy of my medical record?

You can download the Authorization to Release and/or Receipt of Confidential Information form allowing the HIM Department to release a copy of your medical record. The authorization must state your name, date of birth, social security number, date/time period of service, name of hospital where services were performed, the person/organization to receive the information, along with the address where the information is to be sent. The authorization must be signed and dated by the patient or the patient's guardian/legal representative. If the authorization is signed by the patient's guardian/legal representative, the legal document must be provided.

Where do I send the authorization to release a copy of my medical record?

Mail or fax the authorization to:

MercyOne Dubuque Medical Center 
Attn: Health Information Management Department 
250 Mercy Drive 
Dubuque, IA 52001

Fax: 563-589-8162


MercyOne Dyersville Medical Center 
Attn: Health Information Management Department 
1111 3rd Street SW 
Dyersville, IA 52040

Fax: 563-875-2970

Is there a cost to obtain a copy of my medical record?

Yes, there is a charge based on the number of pages. If applicable, a postage fee will be applied. Payment is required in advance before copies will be made. Arrangements may be made for you to pick up your medical record copies by calling the HIM Department at (563)589-9625 (Dubuque) or (563)875-2948 (Dyersville). Photo identification will be required.

I am going to another healthcare provider and would like my records sent to this physician. What do I need to do?

You will need to call the HIM Department to have your medical record copies mailed or faxed to that provider. You will need to provide the name, address and/or fax number of the healthcare provider to whom you'd like the record sent.

How soon can I expect the request to release my medical record to be completed?

Requests for medical records are processed based on priority, date received and location of the record.

Am I able to get a copy of a family member's medical record?

Only the patient may release his/her record(s). However, if you have Healthcare Power of Attorney (POA) or are the executor of the patient's estate, you must submit your authorization along with a copy of the legal document giving you POA or executor rights.

I would like to know my blood type. Is this information in my medical record?

Blood typing is not routinely performed. If blood typing was done, the HIM Department requires a signed authorization from the patient and a copy of the results will be sent to you. There will be a charge for reproducing and mailing this document.

I was born at MercyOne. How can I obtain my birth certificate?

You will need to request your birth certificate from the Recorders Office at the Dubuque County Courthouse. Their phone number is 563-589-4434.

How long do you keep a medical record?

Medical records are maintained according to Iowa Statute for various periods of time. You will be contacted if your medical record request cannot be fulfilled because the retention period has expired.

Am I able to view my medical record?

Yes, you are able to view your medical record for up to one hour at no charge. Here's how:

  • Provide a signed and dated authorization
  • Provide photo identification
  • Contact Mercy Health Information Management at 563-589-9625 (Dubuque) or 563-875-2948 (Dyersville) to schedule an appointment to view your record

You may also view your record through our secure online patient portal at myHealth.