MercyOne New Hampton Story

On May 4, 1915, a contract to provide a hospital in New Hampton was signed, sealing a relationship between the Sisters of the Holy Ghost and the Citizens of New Hampton and surrounding area. By April 21, 1916, more than $15,000 had been raised.

The building of the hospital was completed and on January 8, 1917, the first Sisters arrived in New Hampton to staff the hospital. Later that month, they wrote the first letter to their Sisters in Techny, describing their reception in New Hampton....

“This is the first hospital here in town. The joy and interest of the people are rather great. Young and old, poor and rich, they are all coming to see the hospital. Even five year olds are asking if they could come to see the hospital. We marvel above all at the never-ending sacrifices of the people. They collected money for the last five years, and now since we are here the people's zeal is like a new awakening. Now they can bring the sick to their own hospital, and all sacrifices have become easy for them."

On January 12, 1917, the building was formally dedicated by His Excellency the Most Reverend Archbishop Keene. 

St. Joseph Community Hospital was officially opened on February 6, 1917. Sister Patricia Wegmann carried out the responsibility and duties as the first "Sister-in-Charge" or Administrator.

Original Hospital building

In 1990, the Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters passed the torch of leadership of St. Joseph Community Hospital to the Religious Sisters of Mercy. Under the leadership of Mercy Health Services, St. Joseph's benefited from being affiliated with a global organization as well as a member of a network of hospitals in North Iowa.

In July 1999, St. Joseph Community Hospital officially changed its name to Mercy Medical Center - New Hampton. With the same name and mission as the other six member hospitals in Iowa, we became stronger in our quest to serve our communities as a premier integrated system across the state.

In February 2019, our name changed to MercyOne New Hampton.  

Service to the sick and the injured, to those being born into the world, and to those departing from this life, has continued uninterrupted from then until now. Even though significant change has occurred since we were established over 100 years ago, our humble beginnings have persevered, and rich traditions continue to be a part of the daily routine at MercyOne New Hampton.


Subsequent Building Projects

1949 - Laundry was added to original structure. This addition remains today. 
1967 - Our current hospital was constructed. 
1983 - Critical Care Unit Added 
1996 - Imaging Suite Added 
2004 - Expansion and Renovation project completed which included
2009 - $3.5 million construction of MercyOne Family Clinic completed
2019 - $6 million expansion and renovation project