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The MercyOne Centerville's dedicated team of health care professionals is committed to providing you with the highest quality of care available, and we hope to make your stay as comfortable as possible.

Identification Bands

For your safety, you will receive an identification band at admission to wear around your wrist. This band allows hospital personnel to identify you, so we ask that you wear it at all times.

Hospital Gowns

We realize that many patients prefer their own sleepwear to hospital gowns, and in many cases this is appropriate and encouraged. However, we ask that you wear a hospital gown for all tests, examinations or procedures.

Your Room

Your private room is designed with your comforts in mind. Each room has a bathroom, television and telephone. Each room is equipped with a nurse call button. When you push this button, your nurse is called. Your bed is electrically operated and can be controlled from the side rails or bed frame.

Your Meals

Your daily meals will be distributed by nursing personnel. If you have special dietary needs, our dietitian will visit you early during your hospital stay to assist you with nutritional care and food menu items or, if you wish to consult the dietitian, you may request a visit by contacting nursing personnel.

If your physician or dietitian permits an evening snack, you may obtain one by asking your nurse.

Operating your television

The television set in your room is controlled by a remote control. Current station information is available at the bedside.


MercyOne will ensure that persons with impaired sensory or speaking skills receive effective notice concerning waivers of rights or consent to treatment. all aids to provide this notice, e.g., sign language interpreters, readers, flashcards, etc., are provided without cost to the person being served.

When a person does not speak or understand the predominate language of the community, an interpreter will be provided.

MercyOne has a TTy device for the hearing impaired and that phone number is 641-437-3405.

Room telephones

You may make local telephone calls from your room at no extra charge. To make a long distance call, you must charge the call to your home telephone number, credit card, or call collect.

Local Calls: Dial 9 + the 7 digit telephone number.

Credit Card, Collect, and Calls Billed to a Third Party: Dial 9 + 0 + Area Code + 7 digit telephone number

Please Direct Your Family & Friends to Call your Room Direct: 641-437-3 + your room number (For example, if your room is 310, your phone number here is 437-3310.)


One of the most important aspects of medication safety is ensuring your physician and caregivers have accurate information about your medications. This includes medication prescribed by your physicians as well as any over the counter or herbal medications or supplements you may take.

For your safety and in an effort to prevent adverse drug effects, it is essential that you keep an updated list of medication you take, the dosage and times to be taken. Keep this list updated and present to your physician and nurses when you present to the office or to the hospital for care or treatment.

During your hospitalization, medication should not be kept at your bedside including over the counter products. our nurses will send your medications home with your family or store at the nurses station during your stay at the hospital.  When you are released from the hospital, a nurse will review your dis- charge instructions for medications with you.

Mail service

Mail is delivered directly to your room by volunteers. Mail that arrives after your dismissal will be forwarded to your home address.

Wireless Internet

Mercy Guest is MercyOne's wireless Internet access system for patients and visitors.  It enables guests of the hospital to use their own hand-held devise or laptop equipped with wireless network card to access a free high-speed Internet connection.  This service is available throughout the hospital.

Mass and worship services

The Chapel, on the first floor, is open 24 hours a day. Mass is held the last Thursday of each month. ecumenical services are held each Tuesday at 11:15 a.m., in the long-term care area.

Tobacco Free Campus

Each day we celebrate life, health, the human mind and body– please join us by not using tobacco products. MercyOne Centerville Medical Center is dedicated to providing a tobacco-free environment for all patients, employees, visitors and staff.

The use of tobacco at MercyOne is restricted in all areas both inside and outside, on any MercyOne owned or leased property. This includes the entire hospital campus. Your physician may order nicotine replacement therapy to assist you during your stay. nicotine gum is available for sale in the gift shop to assist your family and visitors