515-201-9010  | Online Prayer RequestAdvanced Directives

At MercyOne, we understand that spiritual and emotional care is as important as medical care when it comes to healing the mind and body.

Our Pastoral Care Department offers a wide variety of faith-based services to patients, families and friends of all faiths.

As Catholic hospitals, MercyOne celebrates Mass and provides Holy Communion and other sacraments for Catholic patients and their loved ones. In addition, the Pastoral Care staff offers non-denominational, ecumenical services and programs and can assist in making the sacraments of your church available to you during your stay at MercyOne Des Moines and MercyOne West Des Moines.

Forms:  Health care Power of Attorney | Living Will | Living Will & Power of Attorney

Mass Locations, Times

MercyOne Des Moines

Mass is celebrated in Our Lady of Mercy Chapel – located on first floor just south of the Main Lobby – on Monday through Thursday at 11:30 a.m. Weekend Mass is offered on Saturday at 3:45 p.m. and Sunday at 10:30 a.m. The Rosary is prayed at noon on Wednesdays.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is offered on Friday at 2:00 p.m. followed by the praying of the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00 p.m. Ecumenical services are held in the chapel from time to time. All Masses and services held in Our Lady of Mercy Chapel are also televised inside the hospital on Channel 4.

MercyOne West Des Moines

Mass is celebrated at 11:30 a.m. on Monday and Thursday in Our Lady of Mercy Chapel. The chapel is located on second floor just southwest of the lobby.The Rosary is prayed at noon on Wednesday. Patients and visitors are welcome to visit the chapels at any time.

Visiting With Chaplain

MercyOne’s chaplains are available to talk or pray with you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To request a chaplain, please call 515-201-9010 or ask a nurse to notify the Pastoral Care Department.

Other Spiritual Advisors

Patients and family members of all faiths are encouraged to contact their individual priest, minister, rabbi or spiritual advisor for guidance, prayer and comfort during your stay at Mercy. The Pastoral Care staff can facilitate this process for you and can assist in making arrangements for the sacraments of your church or faith community.

To request this service, please call or ask a nurse to notify the Pastoral Care Department.

Eucharist, Baptism, Sacrament of Anointing the Sick

The Eucharist for Catholic patients is available on a daily basis. Please ask a nurse or chaplain to place a sign on your door.

Baptism and the Sacrament of Anointing the Sick are available for Catholic patients through their individual parish priests or through an on-call priest in case of emergencies or situations that arise after business hours. Please ask a nurse to notify a chaplain, who will facilitate the necessary arrangements.

The sacraments of other churches are also available to you during your stay. Please ask a family member, nurse or chaplain to notify the Pastoral Care Department so appropriate arrangements can be made.