Billing and Financial Information

Pay Bill - Newton | Price Estimates | Price Transparency

Hours of operation

For billing questions or assistance, customer service representatives are available by phone 8am-4pm CT.


Patient Financial Services (PFS) representatives are available to help you with any questions you may have regarding your statement and can be reached at 734-343-3065 or 888-474-1083 between 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday through Friday.  Some patients seen at MercyOne Newton Medical Center also receive statements from Newton Clinic billing services, which is separate from the medical center, and questions regarding billing can be directed to them at 641-792-2112.

MercyOne Newton Medical Center does not routinely send itemized bills. However, many patients have cafeteria plans which require an itemized bill for reimbursement. If you need a copy of an itemized bill, please call 734-343-3065 to request one.

Insurance coverage

Medicare has two billing parts.  Medicare Part A, which is hospital insurance, covers a portion of your hospital services. Medicare Part B, which is medical insurance, helps to pay for professional fees and outpatient hospital services.

If you receive services at our hospital or clinics, your Part A and Part B claims will be filed to Medicare for you.  These Medicare Payments will be sent directly to MercyOne Newton Medical Center and you will receive a “Medicare Summary Notice” from Medicare. If you have supplemental or Medigap hospital insurance, a claim will be filed to this secondary insurance for you after Medicare has made payment.

Medicare Replacement Plans:
If you are covered by a Medicare Replacement Plan, we will file the insurance for you to the appropriate carrier. If you have supplemental or Medigap hospital insurance, a claim will be filed to this secondary insurance for you after the Medicare Replacement Plan has made payment.

Medicaid, Amerigroup and Iowa Total Care have coverage available for those who qualify depending on resources. If you receive services at our hospital or clinics, your charges will be filed to Medicaid for you.

Commercial plans:
If you have another type of insurance we will file that insurance to the appropriate carrier for you. Any supplemental insurances will be filed after the primary insurance has paid.

Motor vehicle insurance:
If your care is the result of a motor vehicle accident, please provide the following information at the time of registration: Accident claim number, name, mailing address and phone number of the motor vehicle insurance.

Workers' compensation:
MercyOne Newton Medical Center participates with most state workers’ compensation programs. These programs require prior authorizations for all services.