MercyOne Waterloo Medical Center

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MercyOne Waterloo Medical Center is an acute care hospital serving Blackhawk County and the Waterloo and Cedar Falls communities. A full complement of facilities and services are available to support the community's health care needs, including intensive care, operating and recovery rooms for both inpatient and ambulatory surgery, diagnostic radiology services such as X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging, CT scanning, mammography, laboratory, respiratory therapy, electrophysiology and pharmacy.
Accredited Chest-Pain Center
The heart program at the Waterloo Medical Center is accredited as a Chest Pain Center with Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) through the American College of Cardiology (ACC). Hospitals that have earned ACC Chest Pain Center with Primary PCI Accreditation have proven exceptional competency in treating patients with heart attack symptoms and have primary PCI available 24/7 every day of the year. PCI is a non-surgical procedure that opens narrowed or blocked coronary arteries with a balloon or stent to relieve symptoms of heart disease or reduce heart damage during or after a heart attack.
- Pulmonology